Day 6 – Tuesday, October 3: Asheville, NC to Gatlinburg, TN


A visit to the River Arts District is first up.  Cool area along the river being redeveloped for artists’ studios and galleries.  The studios are in old factory buildings.  We checked out several different artists’ studios and made some fun purchases.  Look out for ho ho ho.

On the Road to Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN

Great timing for the great views and a herd of bugling elk!!  And random other animals.

Here for listening pleasure elk bugling:

Audio Player


We entered the park in North Carolina and exited in Tennessee.  Another stop in the park included a small taxidermy exhibit.  FUN!!!


We Love Dolly Parton

And finally, the piece de resistance..what we have been looking forward to….a touch of Dollywood.  Tickets to Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede., a combination of Hillbilly Disney, the circus, Lipizzaner stallion show and a giant country fare feeding of the masses. Glenda particularly enjoyed the racing mini pigs, rooting for Abe Link Sausage and General Grunt.  Susan was mesmerized by a performer dressed as an Indian dressed as a glow-in-the-dark giant bird..flapping its one wing while it held the hand of another Indian on a horse.  She was confused but into it!!

P.S. The gps-guided route to the show through hillbilly gully full of hairpin turns and trailer homes was almost as exhilarating as the performance itself.  The route included a stretch on the aptly named Boogertown Road.

Pictures below:

Listen again.  A couple snippets:


Up next Nashville, TN via Oak Ridge and Lynchburg!

2 thoughts on “Day 6 – Tuesday, October 3: Asheville, NC to Gatlinburg, TN”

  1. Hello Going Gray ladies –

    The bugling elk and irons do it for me. Roaring!!! How many stamps so far?


  2. A lot, a real lot. Sometimes a given location affords us the opportunity for 2, 3 or even 4 stamps in one go. Oh happy day!

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