Up at the crack of 10. We certainly like to get out and get going early!!!
Armed with suggestions from our favorite hotel bellhop, we made our way on foot to the honky tonk district down by the river. We pass the Union Station, now a gorgeous hotel and, next to that, giant flowers.
Continuing on, shock of all shocks, we got waylaid by boot shopping. Will we ever actually wear cowgirl boots??? Apparently we think so!!
Such a great town for drinks, chow and music. Lunch at Acme followed by wandering and listening to music.
Now the exciting part of our day!!
So, we wanted to visit Glenda’s friend’s cousin’s guitar store. A fixture in Nashville since 1962…Cotten Music Center. We couldn’t get one of those free golf cart rides they offer here, so we set out on foot armed with google maps on our phone. Please harken back to day whatever when Glenda could not read a map to save her life and Susan was barely better. Off we go for our 2-mile trek to Cotten Music. Oops. Where are we?? We are in the industrial unknown section of Nashville, surrounded by highways and trains and factories.
We came upon a massive traffic clog caused by a freight train absolutely stopped dead on the tracks that we needed to cross to get to the store. Ain’t nothin’ moving. So, being the rule followers that we are, we stood and waited. And stood some more. Finally after about 15 minutes, we asked a nice young man in his car if this happened regularly and did he think it might move any time soon. Yes it happens often and it might take a while; he thinks they are on break.
Should we run for it climbing up onto and over the train to reach the other side? The stress!!! The tension!!! The anxiety!!! A possible rule breaking!!! We held our breaths, crossed over that red and white do-not-cross arm…
..and clambered over the trains. Success!! We are free to continue through the factory-land to find the store.
Cotten Music Center, www.cottenmusic.com, is a boutique vintage and new guitar and more store that sells to serious musicians worldwide. Kim, the owner, was there and graciously showed us the store and told us about the area (transitioning along with the whole area we walked through!).
Kim walked us over to a hot, trendy bar/restaurant down the street, Bastion…and who do we see is the bouncer there? Our own very nice fellow train waiter….David!!
Small town…small world!!!
Up Next: Memphis, TN